“ Here, we drink, we talk without restraints, we listen to records, and our intimacy is blissful. ”

Singapore / 2022

My theme is worship
I intend to create a vinyl house.  Let those melodious tunes lost in the year, in another form to be transmitted again.

Vinyl records are the physical existence of sound, the grooves on the record  are the growth rings of sound.

Target Audience
Vinyl lover / Vinyl Collectors / People who want know about vinyl records.

50 Arab Street is located on Arab Street lies between Victoria Street and Beach Road in the Kampong Glam area, and was part of the Rochor Planning Area of Singapore’s cental region. When I visited the site, I felt that the street was very diverse and exotic, with many fabric stores, perfume stores and lighting stores, as well as many specialty restaurants. This street records a lot of culture and history, just like recording the age of the city, and each store has its own story. So my original intention of transforming this location into a vinyl record house was that I wanted everything to be recording, including the sound.

The curved design of the cabinet can guide people to different places to find precious records.


key words: 1. Rhythm 2. Hollow

The curved interior space not only symbolizes part of the vinyl, but also naturally leads people to where they want to go.

Stream of people analysis
The gray part represents the hollowed out area, the black part is the indication of the route people take, and the white part is the counter or functional area.

Material Board

1. Wood
2. Glass
3. White Microcement
5. Stainless Steel
6. Dark Stone


level 1 & 2 layout plan

level 3 & 4 layout plan

level 5 & Attic layout plan


Short Section

Long Section

Sectional Perspective

At the entrance is the vinyl Diy section, and as you walk in, all the back counters are vinyl records.

The staircase leads to the display area for the vinyl record player and the collection of vinyl. There is a hollow area next to the vinyl listening area.

The whole space is a vinyl recording area.

The entire fourth floor is a bar with a bar counter on the left and a DJ booth on the right.

The DJ booth on the fourth floor is hollowed out. The fifth floor is also a bar area, and people upstairs can also hear the vinyl music from the fourth floor.

Elemental Analysis

1.Vinyl record hanging device in the shape of a tree on the second floor.
2.The cave-like walls outside the vinyl recording studio on the third floor.
3.Acrylic light emitting device above the seating on the fourth floor.
4.Curved wine cabinet at the bar on the fourth floor.
5.The inverted roof on the fifth floor, which can be closed when it rains, provides plenty of natural light when it doesn’t.


Physical Model
